Cool Girl Collective

Cool Girl Collective is a Weekly booth consignment rental in Downtown Bangor owned by Jess and Josey. We are located at 4 Union st Suite 24. Parking is located under the Union st bridge! Our goal for Cool Girl Collective is to bring the women of Bangor another option for in person shopping that is sustainable and keeps money in our community rather than the hands of corporate greed. So many of us are forced to shop online these days to find cool things but the problems arise when those online purchases don’t look or fit the way we wanted. We throw them in our closet because returns online are costly and time consuming and there they sit. Some of us love to shop. We buy and buy until there are clothes everywhere and it becomes unmanageable. Most items worn only a couple times. Until now those items would sit in our cosets wasting away and taking up space, We would say we were gonna have a yard sale or bring to a consignment shop. But in Maine our sunny days are numbered so our yardsales got put off, the consignment shops rules and limits made it difficult to organize what to bring. Facebook marketplace filled our inboxes with buyers that never followed through and poshmark made our heads hurt. Which leads us to Cool Girl Collective. We provide hangers and tags and we sell your items, you pick your prices and you pick what you get to sell. We take 1/3 of your sales and you take home cash the following Tuesday. Whatever items don’t sell you can take home with you at breakdown on friday night or you can choose to recycle them with us. We love to upcycle clothes and make them cool again. We want to make this process as painless and profitable as possible for you.